Men dominate while the vast majority of the world are women and children
White humans hold power while the vast majority of the world is of color
Machines dominate while the vast majority of life is sentient
Mind is valued over heart when the vast majority of our being is feelings
Education is valued over experience when for the vast majority of our lives we learn by doing
Intelligence is valued over love when love is what makes the world go round
Kindness is seen as weakness yet who do we run to when we are hurt?
Success is measured by title and wealth but where would we be without good health and strong relationships?
Technology is rewarded while artists starve, yet where would we be without a good tune to carry us through the storms?
What we really want is replaced with what we are told we want
Logic trumps intuition when intuition is our true rudder in life
Being civilized is measured by how one holds one's fork rather than the strength of one's character
Love-making ought to be a total being experience but tends to be a very localized one
Fear dominates while peace is scarce
Pain is abundant while joy is relegated to weekends
1% are rich while 99% are poor
Minor criminals are given long sentences while major criminals roam free
We love our dogs yet we butcher our lambs
Cruelty wins while kindness is punished
Force gets you ahead while allowance sets you back
Greed dominates while our forests burn
Why do we avert our eyes when we ought be looking right into the heart of our fellow human?